If there’s one thing Ceryn Rowntree was put here to learn, balance would be it.
Born with Libra rising, that should never have been a surprise, but as a high-achieving people pleaser, it took Ceryn over a decade of high pressured corporate work and a series of draining relationships of all kinds to learn that giving everything she had wasn’t a healthy way to be… And certainly wasn’t the way to happiness.
The journey to find her own places of balance and fulfillment led Ceryn to retrain, first as a counselling therapist and then as a coach; all with the aim of supporting others to a place of their own fulfillment.
But there was more to come…
A practicing medium from a young age, Ceryn began to truly understand the deeper energetic consequences of our imbalanced lives when she heard the call of the Goddess, and took a deep dive into working with the divine feminine.
Looking around she realised the imbalances that had plagued her weren’t just causing problems for friends and clients, but for the whole of the Western world and every aspect of the planet we call home.
She recognised the energetic imbalances that underpin our divisive and out-of-balance societies and just how far that had taken us all not only from our own fulfillment but from our connection to something greater too.
And so the Divine Feminist was born; aimed at helping women throughout the West and beyond to shake off those old ways of thinking and living and reconnect to themselves in order to discover their own place of sacred balance, and maybe even change the world along the way.
A witch with a penchant for dairy-free brownies and geeky TV shows, Ceryn lives in North East England and is never happier than when walking in the Northumbrian woodlands or by the sea.
Away from the Divine Feminist, Ceryn works as a Therapist, Medium and Mentor. Visit her personal site to learn more.
Or, visit The Divine Feminist Substack to read some of her latest thoughts.
Want to learn more about working with Ceryn?
Ceryn offers a host of opportunities for working together 1:1 or as part of a group. If you would like to learn more, head to her website via the link below.
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