Our world is out of balance; so far out of balance we've almost forgotten there was ever an alternative
We know the age-old story of oppression of the Goddess in favour of a patriarchal force, and the ways that same story has played out over the centuries and generations to impact upon all those who identify as women.
But what if we were to step back from that story and look at the ways it plays out more broadly too and how we - and our planet - are suffering as a result.
Divine Feminism invites us to look deeper at this inequality, and consider the ways that all things considered "feminine" have been treated as less than over the centuries and generations.
This book is your invitation to reconnect with those aspects within and for ourselves and the world; to find the sacred balance and flow that lies beyond the dualities society has inflicted upon us and allow them to bring you not only back to yourself, but to a life that helps you remind the world there is another way.The Divine Feminist was published in November 2021 through The Unbound Press. Order your copy now from all good bookshops or via the links below:
Here's what readers have said...
The book the world has needed for such a long time.
Ceryn's words illuminate not only the things we need to work on as a collective, but guide each of us on how we can return to a place of respect and honour within our own bodies.
This book is beautiful, harsh, fierce and magical. It inspires me to remember all of myself again.
– Yolandi Boshoff, Soul Coach and author of Starseed Sacred Circle
The Divine Feminist is the balm for the body, mind, and soul that we all need. Ceryn's words bring forth a deep remembrance of the soul and ways of being in harmony and wholeness that come from within. Her power of weaving magic through every page will change you in the most profound ways.
– Shaina Sakrison
The Western world has portrayed its approach to its women and feminine energy as something that we thought was somehow better and higher than our experience in the world, but our fellow women say otherwise. Our world is together in this mistreatment and immature behaviour towards its feminine. Ceryn is one of those western women, who is deeply rooted in her place in the world and weaves her lifelong experiences and knowledge to bring much-needed truth, visions, inclusivity and maturity through this book and her ever-growing Divine Feminist work in the world.
– Gizem Evcin
The Divine Feminist is potent, powerful and a pleasure to read.
– Charlie Edwards
The Divine Feminist had my jaw dropped in awe with full body tingles of relevance as I soaked in every single word from the very beginning. This powerfully inspiring book is a life-changing must read and Ceryn's work is one to be shared with many.
– Rachael Morley
This book is incredible. It is exactly the messaging so many of us need right now. In a nutshell The Divine Feminist makes spiritual, conscious-led ideas so tangible. It presents concepts in such a digestible way - preparing and inspiring you to do the inner and outer work your soul has been hungry for for so long.
– Sarah Beth Lambert
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